Friday, September 5, 2014

8 Weeks 5 Days

I have gained two pounds back from the seven that I lost. I really need to exercise however I have been so nauseous and exhausted that even the mere thought of exercising makes me want to cry!
I am struggling with trying too find foods that I can gag down, most of them being bread foods which explains My weight gain. I haven't thrown up, just spit up acid and flem. All I can do is sleep when I'm not at work. My supervisor has me  40 hours a week and i just can't stand it. He wants me to apply for the full time position, however right now i can barely stand for more than 20 minutes! Ugh!

I feel like I'm complaining... I don't want to sound like that. I am so grateful for my baby, and as long he or she stays healthy then bring it on! I'll take whatever comes my way!